United States Delegation Minutes: SFM Min–4
Conference of the United States, United Kingdom, and French Foreign Ministers
New York, September 1950
minutes of the fourth meeting held in the waldorf-astoria 3:00 p. m. september 14, 1950
Mr. Acheson (US)
Mr. Schuman (FR)
Mr. Bevin (UK)
United States | France | United Kingdom |
Philip C. Jessup | Henri Bonnet | M. E. Dening |
George W. Perkins | Jean Chauvel | Sir Pierson Dixon |
Dean Rusk | M. de Latournelle | Sir Oliver Franks |
Roland de Margerie | Sir Gladwyn Jebb |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mr. Acheson noted that the UN delegations of the three countries had been in constant consultation on the Korean question and were agreed upon the course to be followed in the U.N.2 Unless there were questions to be raised, it seemed unnecessary to discuss the issue further.
Mr. Bevin said that at a later time the United Kingdom wished to discuss the attitude to be taken toward the Syngman Rhee government, but there was no need to raise the issue now.3
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- The complete text of these minutes is scheduled for publication in volume iii.↩
- See the memorandum agreed upon by the three U.N. delegations dated September 6, p. 704.↩
The U.S. Delegation Summary Minutes of this portion of the meeting read as follows:
“Mr. Acheson noted that the Delegations of the three governments to the United Nations had had a full exchange of views on the subject of Korea and were fully agreed upon the course to be followed in the United Nations with respect to that problem.
“The Ministers approved the understanding reached by their Delegations in this matter.” (Summary Minutes 4:795.00/9–1450)