
Memorandum Prepared in the Department of State

top secret

SFM D–7/3a Revised

September Foreign Ministers Meetings

summary for briefing of the secretary on korea

The attached brief has been revised1 to include a statement of the U.S. position as established in NSC 81/1.2

[Page 727]

Summary for Briefing of the Secretary on Korea

During the preliminary tripartite discussions general agreement was reached on the following main points:

Every effort should be made to maintain the present impressive degree of unanimity in the UN on the Korean question.
UN forces should not be committed to proceed north of the 38th Parallel without prior UN direction. This would not preclude tactical operations incident to actions south of the 38th Parallel.
UN forces should not proceed north of the 38th Parallel if Soviet or Chinese Communist forces have occupied North Korea to the 38th Parallel or if major Soviet or Chinese Communist combat units have engaged or clearly intend to engage in hostilities against UN forces.
The GA should formulate its broad objectives and intentions with respect to Korea at an early date, emphasizing the necessity of implementing previous UN resolutions directed to the achievement of the independence and unification of Korea.
A commission of representatives of senior rank with a high percentage of Asian members should be formed to make recommendations to the UN on problems relating to the establishment of an independent and unified Korea, including the holding of elections.
UN forces with strong Asian participation should be retained in Korea during the period of readjustment following the cessation of hostilities.
Continued UN political and economic assistance to the Korean Government will be necessary.

Agreement with the British and French should be sought as to the future authority and competence of the present Government of the Republic of Korea in the following sense:

The continuity and sovereignty of the ROK should continue to be recognized over Korea south of the 38th Parallel.
The validity of the elections previously held by the ROK under UN supervision should not be challenged.
Elections under UN supervision should be held when opportunity offers, in Korea north of the 38th Parallel for the ultimate extension of the authority of the ROK in that area.

With reference to paragraph 2 above, the U.S. position as established in NSC 81/1 may be summarized as follows:

Operations north of the 38th Parallel for the purpose of the occupation of North Korea would be undertaken only after consultation with and approval of United Nations members. The UN forces now have a legal basis for conducting operations north of the 38th Parallel to compel the-withdrawal of the North Korean forces behind this line or to defeat these forces. However, the UN Commander, before undertaking such operations, including amphibious and airborne landings or ground operations in pursuance of a rollback, would, in view of the risks involved, obtain further authorization from Washington.

  1. For the text of document SFM D–7/3a, dated August 28, see p. 653.
  2. Dated September 9, p. 712.