611.56D/9–3050: Telegram

The Ambassador in Indonesia (Cochran) to the Acting Secretary of State

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443. Called on Foreign Minister Roem noon thirtieth my request. Congratulated him on Indonesia’s entrance UN.1 He had made statement earlier in day on Indonesian intent meet UN obligations, in connection with ceremony raising UN flag in front Foreign Office.

In answer my question, Roem confirmed ANETA press report he will visit Lake Success during present session GA. He said Palar had recommended this and he thought it would be courteous and well for him as Foreign Minister to make appearance at this session which has welcomed Indonesia so warmly. I agreed, but added he should also take opportunity visit Washington. Roem promised do so. He said if Cabinet makes required decision in favor his trip, he will leave sometime next week for US. He would have to be back at Hague by November 1 since he plans participate in second Conference Union Ministers which is planned to open about that time.

I urged Roem get Sumitro together with us shortly so we can consummate STEM aid agreement before Roem goes. I said goods were already being shipped and expert advisers already here in anticipation of agreement, but I did not think we should proceed further toward getting goods and advisers or formulating projects until agreement is actually negotiated. He promised talk with Sumitro immediately toward foregoing end.

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I also referred to personal letter I had written him re Indonesian Service Corporation (Embtel 4262), and told him I wanted to keep ExImBank credit business clean.

My relations with Roem are as close and cordial as ever. I have, however, taken advantage his assumption Foreign Office, and especially after seeing memo on military assistance quoted Embtel 442, and after learning of his contemplated visit to US, to let him know that we expect early and favorable action on several pieces of outstanding business. Now that RI is in UN, it must realize necessity for some clear-cut decisions, and I should like for it to begin by indicating full appreciation of necessity for playing game squarely with US, specifically on ExIm credit, STEM and military aid. I am sympathetic as ever with problems our moderate Indonesian Government friends face but if they are not forced take some positive decisions and strong action soon, it will be too late. Am glad Roem going to Washington where this point can be made clear.

I recommend all plans for aid to Indonesia be held in status quo until satisfaction achieved on each of three lines above-mentioned.

  1. Indonesia had been elected unanimously to the United Nations on September 28.
  2. Not printed; it transmitted the text of a letter from Cochran to Roem in which, inter alia, the Ambassador had inquired about the role of the Indonesian Service Corporation and the Zero Corporation of Indonesia, both of which seemed to be headed by Matthew Fox, in the allocation of Export-Import Bank credits. (411.56D/9–2750)