756D.00/7–1950: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Indonesia 1

secret   niact

72. Quarles, Second Secy Neth Emb, in Helb’s absence called Dept today with oral request re fol: Neth Govt requests intervention US Amb Djakarta with RUSI Govt to achieve peaceful settlement present difficulties between RUSI and dissident elements centered upon Ambon. This request came after Quarles had reviewed extensively developments which led to Ambon determination to resist formation of unitary state. Quarles touched upon attachment of Ambon to Neth and mentioned extensive presence throughout Indo in various capacities of Ambon. He stated that Neth Govt felt it was unable usefully again to intervene with RUSI to effect peaceful solution this problem and was appealing for US intervention as indicated above.

While Quarles mentioned question of arbitration his later remarks strongly indicated that Neth Govt was thinking in terms of conciliation and good offices, including if useful employment of UNCI to avoid bloodshed by effecting settlement of current disorder.

In ans to question Quarles revealed he was unaware of Indo allegations that Soumokil, FonMin, South Moluccas Republic, was flown from Makassar to Ambon in Dutch bomber. In reply further question, Quarles indicated lack of knowledge re present status Westerling repatriation but stated his personal belief that Neth Govt wld be most unhappy if Westerling shld reach Ambon. Quarles did indicate understanding that certain Dutch groups might wish to see such development. Dept officers took pains to point out how unfortunate Westerling arrival in Ambon wld be for all parties concerned, especially the Dutch.

Dept wld appreciate urgently your views on desirability and feasibility of either intervention on your part or on part of UNCI or both, along lines Dutch have requested. Quarles informed matter wld be taken under consideration and we wld advise him later of decision.

Dept wld also appreciate your views on any other manner in which you believe US might assist in resolving Ambon revolt. As indicated [Page 1034] Deptel 65, July 18,2 we are prepared attempt to assist indirectly arrival in Ambon of peace mission Hatta has in mind.3

  1. Repeated to The Hague as 78, to London as 352, and to the United States Mission at the United Nations as 47.
  2. Not printed.
  3. In telegram 75, July 20, to Djakarta, not printed, Cochran was asked to “estimate extent to which South Moluccans determined resist formation unitary state; ability resist RUSI forces; whether Hatta willing compromise with them, and nature possible compromise.” (756D.00/7–2050)