Memorandum by the Officer in Charge of Public Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs (Connors) to the Ambassador at Large (Jessup)
Subject: Expanded USIE Program in Southeast Asia
The USIE program in Southeast Asia (Indo-China, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaya, Burma and including Hong Kong and the Philippines) has been stepped up to the limit of presently available funds. With the exception of radio broadcasts, most of the effort thus far has been directed toward producing in the languages of the area materials which just now are arriving in the field.
The full impact of the expanded program will become increasingly apparent over the next few months. There is already evidence, however, of increased usage of USIE news and feature material in the local press throughout the area. This includes US official statements as well as information about the USSR designed to counteract Soviet propaganda. This increase results from the efforts of additional field personnel, the provision of daily or weekly news files in local languages, and the provision of special articles on activities and policies of the USSR.
Plans for a regional production center in Manila to service all Southeast Asia posts with regionalized material have been completed and approved. Necessary printing equipment is being sought. Meanwhile, staffing plans are being completed. It is planned that the existing Manila print shop can be expanded by means of a night shift to begin producing special materials for Indo-China within 60 days or sooner. This production will gradually be expanded as new equipment [Page 68] arrives to include the entire area. A staff of four or five Americans and 40 aliens will be required for this operation.
Production will include a monthly magazine, profusely illustrated, edited for the region and for specific countries in the region, and produced in each language of the area; picture poster exhibits; wall picture newspapers, etc.
In addition, a $7,100,000 program designed to do the job required of USIE in this area is being documented for presentation to the President as a Department project under Section 303 MDAP funds. All preliminary documentation will be completed this week. This program will be implemented as soon as funds are made available.
[Here follows more detailed information on current and projected activities.]