611.82/11–1550: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Turkey


252. Deptel 247, Nov. 10.1 FYI Gen Bradley2 in mtg with Gen Egeli3 Nov 14 clarified Reader’s Digest art. Pointed out (1) by local war he meant war started by somebody other than Russia; (2) although naming Turkey and Asiatic countries as areas of potential local wars he cld have continued around periphery. He was trying to bring out US shld not get itself scattered in wars in which Russia not involved; (3) if Turkey attacked by Bulgaria without Russian participation Turks can handle; (4) US Govt has announced that Turk security of vital interest to US and this policy remains unchanged. This illustrated by fact US continuing aid Turkey.

Dept understands Egeli pleased with Bradley explanations and will report them upon return Turkey. For security reasons Turks not cabling details their mtg with Bradley or with SG on Nov 13. Dept understands Egeli departing US well satisfied with results visit.

  1. To Ankara, not printed; it referred to a conversation on November 10, between Melih Esenbel, Counselor of the Turkish Embassy; Burton Y. Berry, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs; and C. Robert Moore, Officer in Charge, Turkish Affairs, regarding an article entitled “U.S. Military Policy: 1950” by General Bradley in the Reader’s Digest, October 1950, p. 143 (611.82/11–1050). In the article, General Bradley mentioned Turkey as an area of potential local war and stated that those countries willing to resist Communist aggression should be aided. He emphasized, however, that local wars should not divert the United States from the central task of ensuring victory in the event of a world war.
  2. General of the Army Omar N. Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also served as Chairman of the Military Committee of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) and as U.S. Member of the Standing Group (SG) of the Military Committee of the NAC.
  3. Lt. Gen. Yusuf A. Egeli, Chief of Operations (G–3), Turkish General Staff.