868.10/10–1250: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Yugoslavia
262. Black, Pres IBRD, informed Dept Oct 101 Popovic called on him Oct 9 to state Yugo Govt cld not accept conditions set by Black for IBRD loans and in circumstances saw no need for further negots in absence change of attitude by Bank. If this represents firm Yugo Govt position, Black is ready to drop consideration of IBRD loans to Yugo. However, since Popovic statement is not consistent with what Tito told him at final conversation in Belgrade, Black contemplates communication to Tito via Popovic which wld provide opportunity to Yugo Govt to continue negots on basis of understanding Black thought was reached in Belgrade if there is any disposition to do so.2
- The reference here appears to be to a meeting on October 11 between IBRD President Black and Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Perkins at which Black reviewed his recent visit to Belgrade and his meeting the day before with Ambassador Popović. Campbell’s memorandum of this conversation is filed separately under 868.00/10–1150.↩
- In his letter to Popović dated October 16, not printed, Black stated that he reported to the IBRD Board of Executive Directors on his visit to Yugoslavia and his subsequent exchanges in Washington with Popović. The Board had expressed themselves in complete agreement with the position taken by Black and indicated that further discussions with Yugoslavia should be on the basis of that position (868.10/10–1650).↩