511.6141/11–350: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union to the Secretary of State


963. VOANY.1 Article September issue Nauka i Zhizn [Science and Life] by V. G. Sokolov, “Present Day Sectarianism And Its Reactionary Role”, while directed primarily against Baptists, Evangelicals and Seventh Day Adventists, attacks all religion as “directly opposed to scientific world outlook and hostile to Communism.” Especial emphasis on sectarians who have attempted harmonize their teachings with Communism. Refers to letter All-Union Council Evangelical-Baptist Christians to Foreign Baptist 1947, stating Russian Baptists “fully share social-economic principles of Communism as not being contrary to teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Finds teaching of “class peace, love for one’s enemies” completely opposed to Communism. Such teaching “in essence nothing other than lulling vigilance of Soviet people.” “Real philanthropy specifically includes sincere hatred for enemies of labouring humanity.” “Antiscientific reactionary theology of sectarianism, as of any other religion, prevents believers from loving their motherland undividedly, from consciously and more actively taking part in struggle for victory of Communism.”

[Page 1267]

Comment: This article makes perfectly clear that Soviets consider it necessary to destroy religion utterly, and any compromises with it are purely temporary and expedient. Article especially useful for broadcasts to satellites where churches are making compromise with Reds.

  1. This telegram was relayed to the Voice of America in New York at 10:45 a. m., on this day. The Embassy in the Soviet Union sent a longer summary of this article, with more detailed commentary, in despatch 219 on November 13; not printed. (861.413/11–1350)