The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
No. 89
Below is translation of letter from Deputy Minister Gromyko elated 6 September in reply to Embassy’s letter of August 25, 1950.
“Esteemed Mr. Ambassador: I have the honor to confirm receipt of your letter of August 25, on the question of the distribution of magazine Amerika.
“Inasmuch as you again refer to the question about the nonexisting ‘obligation’, as if assumed by the Soviet Government relative to the distribution in the U.S.S.R. of 50,000 copies of magazine Amerika, which in reality it never did assume I consider it necessary to remark that this question was sufficiently clarified in my letter of June 20.
“At the same time, I am again forced to reject as completely without foundation the allegation in your letter concerning a hindrance or restriction on the sale of magazine Amerika in the U.S.S.R., allegedly created by the Soviet Government. As it was reiterated previously such similar unfounded statements of the Embassy of the United States of America are in contradiction to the generally known facts, and first of all, to the fact that the magazine Amerika has been sold and is being sold in more than 70 cities in the U.S.S.R.
“Accept Mr. Ambassador, the assurance of my highest consideration.
“A. Gromyko”
First Secretary of Embassy