Attitude and response of the United States to the Soviet “Peace Offensive”; efforts to strengthen the United States information program, particularly the Voice of America 1

1. Previous documentation on these topics is printed in Foreign Relations, 1949, volume v .

[156] The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices

511.00/7–1550: Circular airgram

[157] Information Policy Guidance Paper


[159] The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Holmes) to the Secretary of State

London Embassy Files: Lot 59 F 59: 350.21 Communism: Telegram

[160] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

700.001/11–2450: Telegram

[161] Current Economic Developments

Current Economic Developments: Lot 70 D 4671

  1. Lot 70 D 467 is a master set of the Department of State publication Current Economic Developments for the years 1945–1969, as maintained in the Bureau of Economic Affairs. Current Economic Developments is a weekly classified publication, prepared by the Policy Information Committee of the Department of State, designed to highlight developments in the economic divisions of the Department and to indicate the economic problems which were currently receiving attention in the Department. It was circulated within the Department and to missions abroad.