820.00–TA/9–850: Circular telegram
The Secretary of State to Diplomatic and Consular Offices in the American Republics
Presidents sig of $345 million appropriation for Pt Four technical coop FY 1951 and of Exec order delegating auth to Secstate for admin of program enables Dept proceed with bilateral technical coop programs with interested govts and you may so indicate in any conversations with officials fon govt.
Programs will be developed by Emb in consultation with fon govt and will be subj to review and approval by Dept.
FYI Dept undertaking to assemble your and recipient govts previous project recommendations or requests and those of Dept and other agencies. This material will be sent you during week beginning Sept 18 under instr auth you open conversations with Govt purpose drawing up integrated program and determining priorities among projects. Necessary deductions from foregoing figure for UN, IA–Ecosoc, and existing IIAA and SCC programs will leave only limited amt available for new or expanded bilateral programs. You will be advised in instr of amts earmarked for your country.