Matters relating to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1
1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1949, vol. i, pp. 651 ff.
- I. The problem of quantitative restrictions on exports and imports (Documents 237–243)
- II. United States concern at the discriminatory aspects of exchange and
import restrictions maintained by the Union of South Africa. (Documents 244–250)
- III. Position of the United States regarding consultations on sterling
area restrictions on dollar imports (Documents 251–269)
- IV. Concern of the Department of State regarding the renewal by the
Congress of the trade agreements act; the United States decision concerning
the proposed International Trade Organization (ITO) (Documents 270–276)
- V. United States preparations for the tariff negotiating conference
convened at Torquay, England, September 28, 1950 (“the third round”) (Documents 277–290)