894A.00/12–649: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Philippines (Cowen) to the Secretary of State

2755. We have read with interest statement L. K. Little (Embtel 2729, December 2,61 Taipei’s December 3), regarding probable reactions SEA62 should US permit Communists take over Taiwan. Under Secretary Neri in conversation with officer Embassy December 3, alluded published suggestions US might take control that island, voiced question as to existence Chinese right thereto and said that, speaking merely for himself, he thought Filipinos would feel much more secure were Taiwan to be occupied by US rather than by Chinese Communists.

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We suspect Neri’s line thought provoked by discussion previous day during third meeting ad hoc committee consider Philippines policy with respect recognition Chinese Communist regime.… Source quotes his information as saying question was raised why US unwilling defend Taiwan and that Colonel Garbriel and Lt. Colonel Salientes explained it in terms US disappointment Chiang’s failure effectively use aid previously given his Government. Foreign Office members committee stated then to have required meeting members on US attitude regarding defense of Philippines.

Informant states they replied US greatly interested therein but specific military measures taken by US with respect Philippines would depend upon overall strategic consideration.

  1. Ante, p. 211.
  2. Southeast Asia.