893.01/12–1649: Circular telegram
The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Officers 72
Since survey of opinion re question recog Chi Commie regime initiated by Top Secret Depcirtel Aug. 19 5 a. m., situation has developed to point where now appears India may recog before end Dec. UK [Page 223] and Burma may recog simultaneously or shortly thereafter to be followed by majority other countries throughout world with interests in China, excepting Philippines, Republic of Korea and possibly Italy.
Under these circumstances Dept desires ur estimate of effect on opinion in country and/or Govt to which you accredited if (1) US shld join in early recog, (2) US shld delay recog until great majority other countries have recognized, (3) US shld indefinitely withhold recog.
- Sent to Batavia, Bangkok, Karachi, Manila, New Delhi, Rangoon, Saigon, and Singapore.↩