IV. Efforts by the United States which would limit shipments of petroleum products to Communist-occupied China 8

8. r previous correspondence regarding curtailment of oil stocks in China, see Foreign Relations, 1948, vol. viii, pp. 275 ff.

[970] The Consul at Tsingtao (Hawthorne) to the Secretary of State

893.6363/8–249: Telegram

[971] The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Douglas) to the Secretary of State

893.6363/8–549: Telegram

[972] The Secretary of State to the Consul at Tsingtao (Hawthorne)

893.6363/8–249: Telegram

[980] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Douglas)

893.6363/6–2849: Telegram

[981] The Consul General at Shanghai (McConaughy) to the Secretary of State

893.6363/10–2249: Telegram

[982] The Consul General at Shanghai (McConaughy) to the Secretary of State

893.6363/11–1449: Telegram

[986] The British Embassy to the Department of State


[987] The Consul General at Shanghai (McConaughy) to the Secretary of State

893.6363/12–2149: Telegram