
Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Richard E. Johnson of the Office of Chinese Affairs

Mr. Seitz66 made the following information regarding petroleum shipments to Communist China available to the Department:

Tankers which have departed Constanza, probably destined for Dairen:

Name Nationality Cargo
Cape Maersk Danish 8000 Tons Kerosene
Beauregard Norwegian 4800 Tons Kerosene
7751 Tons Mogas
Kettleman Hills American 13,000 Tons Mogas
St. Christopher American 100,000 Bbls. Kerosene (7 Bbl/Ton)
Not available Russian 10,000 Tons Mogas (probable)
Arnica Norwegian 7500 Tons “white products” (kerosene and/or mogas) (scheduled for August loading, no information re departure).

In addition, 3900 Tons (130 30 Ton tank cars) of motor gasoline and kerosene arrived in Dairen, probably from refineries at Sakhalin, destined for transshipment by rail to Mukden and Tientsin.

Purchase arrangements have been completed covering $10,000 Tons of “furnace oil” (light gasoline), to be shipped from the “Trinidad Leasehold” in the Caribbean, although shipping arrangements have not as yet been made.

  1. Representing the Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.