893.00/11–1549: Telegram

The Vice Consul at Kumming (Lutkins) to the Secretary of State

233. I have just been approached by a leading Yunnanese businessman who claims to represent a group of top-ranking local government officials and businessmen. This group points to President Truman’s statement that US Government would aid any group in China which actively opposed Communism. It guarantees that if America issues statement promising to defend Yunnanese independence and territorial integrity it will do anything desired by US Government. It is willing to break with Central Government, accept American protectorate and American troops, and to follow orders of American military, political and economic advisers. If desired, it would issue public statement requesting US Government to intervene and defend Yunnan against Communism.

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This group believes that despite extent to which situation has deteriorated, an American statement guaranteeing Yunnanese independence would save Yunnan from Communists and at least give breathing spell until military aid and advisers were forthcoming. An unstated quantity of arms and other military equipment would be required; group does not ask US Government to send American troops but would welcome them if we chose to send them.

Group emphasizes strategic importance of Yunnan as possible bulwark against expansion of Communism into Southeast Asia.

Group’s representative not willing at present time to name members of group but inferred it included top Yunnanese officials. If US Government indicates interest in proposal, then names of members will be given to me plus more detailed requests for aid. Otherwise, no need for further discussion. Group believes Yunnan will fall in 2 months if US aid not forthcoming.

This individual is highly reliable and I feel sure that his story is truthful, especially in view desperate situation.

Group requests US Government reply to proposition as soon as possible.

Sent Department 233. Department pass Chungking 91.
