893.00/6–249: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul General at Peiping (Clubb)

367. Urtel 917 Jun 1. Dept very appreciative ur excellent interpretative comment on message in urtel 928 Jun 2. Dept willing authorize reply but does not consider use intermediary thru whom ur message transmitted provides sufficient guarantee against disclosure. If you are able to transmit reply either directly or thru completely reliable intermediary without danger disclosure, you are authorized make reply along lines set forth below. To guard against future distortion such message, you might prepare reply on plain paper without signature or designation source.

Begin message. US has traditionally maintained close and friendly relations with China and has thruout past 100 years Sino-US relations, particularly since end last century, taken lead in efforts obtain internatl respect for Chi territorial and administrative integrity to end that China might develop as stable, united and independent nation. Unique record US relations with China gives clear evidence US has no territorial designs on China and has sought no special privileges or rights which were not granted other fon nations; US has sought maintain relations on basis mutual benefit and respect. Basic US objectives and principles remain unchanged.

In present situation US hopes maintain friendly relations with China and continue social, economic and polit relations with that country insofar as these relations based upon principle mutual respect and understanding and principle equality and are to mutual benefit two nations. In absence these basic principles, it can hardly be expected that full benefit Sino–US relations can be attained.

In this connection, US Govt and people are naturally disturbed and seriously concerned over certain recent occurrences which represent significant departure from these principles and some of which, in fact, widely at variance with accepted internatl custom and practice: Repeated bitter propaganda misrepresenting US actions and motives in China and elsewhere in world; arbitrary restrictions on movement and denial communications ConGen Mukden and Commie failure reply to ConGen Peiping repeated representations this matter, including request withdraw ConGen and staff Mukden; and Commie failure take action release two US Marine flyers or reply ConGen Peiping representations this matter.31

While we welcome expressions friendly sentiments, he must realize that they cannot be expected bear fruit until they have been translated into deeds capable of convincing American people that Sino–US relations [Page 385] can be placed upon solid basis mutual respect and understanding to benefit both nations. End message.

Dept has not communicated substance Peiping tel 917 to Brit and does not contemplate so doing unless names of intermediary and source are to be revealed.

  1. On October 19, 1948, 2 American servicemen, William C. Smith, Chief Construction Electrician, U.S. Navy, and Elmer C. Bender, Master Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, members of the U.S. Naval Headquarters at Tsingtao, failed to return from a routine training flight. For their eventual release and homeward journey, see statement on May 19, 1950, by Acting Secretary of State Webb, Department of State Bulletin, May 29, 1950, p. 868.