The Chargé in Japan (Huston) to the Secretary of State
No. 839
[Received June 28.]
The Chargé d’Affaires ad interim has the honor to refer to this Mission’s despatches no. 147 of March 12, 1949, and no. 713 of November 5, 1948,1 concerning the Ryukyu Islands, and to forward a copy of a communication dated June 9, 1949,2 prepared by the Ryukyus Military Government Section of General Headquarters recommending to the Chief of Staff that the Ryukyu Islands be permitted limited self-government. This Mission in its capacity as the Diplomatic Section of General Headquarters has concurred in these recommendations.
As indicated in the enclosures to this Mission’s despatch no. 713, the problem of the extent to which the Ryukyus should be permitted self-government has been thoroughly considered by General Headquarters. A committee was established for the purpose of recommending policies conducive to the development of government by the four island groups of the Ryukyus. In accordance with the recommendations of this committee, the Ryukyus Military Government Section now proposes to instruct the Military Governor of the Ryukyus to establish procedures whereby progressive self-government in the islands will be realized. The first of these steps will be elections in late 1950 in each of the four island groups for the election of governors and assemblies. A Ryukyus Advisory Council to advise the Military Governor will also be selected. It is not planned that a constitution for the Ryukyus Islands as a whole will be drawn up at this time, nor will a central assembly composed of Ryukyuans be established. The United States Military Government will remain as the legal central government in the Ryukyus at least for the immediate future.
The above recommendations will, upon approval by the Chief of Staff, be transmitted to the Military Governor of the Ryukyus for implementation and a telegram will be sent to the Department of the Army informing it of the steps being taken.