890.20/9–149: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Thailand
493. Dept notes Phibun’s1 announced intention convene special conference Bangkok representatives Southeast Asian countries to discuss growing communist menace and that Thai FornOff to sound out other Govts particularly US, UK. Dept especially interested as this probably first occasion on which any Thai Govt in recent history has taken strong position in international political issue which might jeopardize future status Thailand. Usual procedure is for Thailand to play both sides.
Dept considers possibility exists Phibun proposed conference via local press for internal political reasons to offset Pridi2 and other opposition forces. Willingness Phibun take strong international political position may indicate political insecurity his govt. If your considered view is that Phibun proposing conference because of communist menace and not internal political reasons then Dept prepared consider extent US possible support such conference. Your views also desired before sounding out other interested govts.