890.20/8–349: Telegram
The Ambassador in Korea (Muccio) to the Secretary of State
966. Mytels 962, August 2, and 963, August 3.1 In light of report of imminent arrival Chiang, I called on President Rhee late yesterday and discussed with him four points set forth Deptel 633, July 29. I also conveyed to him in general way pertinent portions Depcirtel July 20, stressing that we consider development healthy economic political ties between non-Communist countries in Pacific area essential to growth strong associated Asian-Pacific nations, offering means protecting individual countries concerned.
2. Rhee explained it his idea to establish pact among East Asiatic countries based on broad principles similar those of NAP; primary purpose of pact would be to oppose Communist aggression. He expressed view if East Asiatic countries could consummate such a pact, US Government would not object and would eventually support it.
3. Rhee stated he understood US position regarding Nationalist China; that he would exercise care in conversations with Chiang; that he would not commit himself to narrow pact with Philippines and Nationalist China but would seek one of wider character; and that he would inform me of his discussions with Chiang.
4. I gather from Rhee that he will not enter into any hard and fast commitments as result of talks with Chiang. In all probability conversations will not get beyond exploratory stage.
5. President and Mrs. Rhee left by plane this morning for Chinhae where talks with Chiang will be held. Rhee told me he was informed only yesterday afternoon of Chiang’s expected arrival today. He immediately [Page 1182] requested Sino Ambassador telegraph Chiang, requesting he delay arrival for day or two so adequate preparations could be made. It unknown whether Sino Ambassador’s message will have reached Chiang in time delay departure. If not, Chiang may arrive Korea today. Otherwise, it appears he will arrive 5th. Meantime, an advance party of Chinese from Formosa arrived in C–47 at Kimpo airport late yesterday.
- Neither printed.↩