895.796/11–849: Telegram
The Ambassador in Korea (Muccio) to the Secretary of State
1376. Persistent reports of strengthening North Korean Air Force have led Chief KMAG to recommend to DA. (1) That KMAG be authorized assist in training Korean Air Force and (2) that Korean Air Force be strengthened by addition higher performance aircraft than presently available (see Chief KMAG telegrams Bob 380 and Rob 449).1 General Roberts consulted me prior to despatch above cited telegrams and they had my full concurrence.
It will be obvious from General Roberts’ telegrams that some measures must be taken to enable Republic of Korea to put up effective defense against expanding North Korean air power. Unless such program is taken in hand at early date Korean security will be jeopardized and we will consequently risk loss our objectives in Korea. I strongly hope, therefore, Department will exert every effort to see that very modest air program recommended by General Roberts is carried out. Incidentally President Rhee and other responsible Korean officials are likewise showing deep concern over persistent reports of Soviet strengthening of North Korean Air Force and continued failure of US to lend support to commensurate building up of Republic of Korean Air Force. In consequence, as Department aware, Rhee has taken steps to purchase ten AT–6 aircraft, is interested in purchase of other aircraft, and is presently considering employment General Russell Randall2 in advisory capacity. Having in mind our unhappy experience with Harold Lady as Rhee’s advisor in economic field, I am loath to face possibility of similar setup in political field. I am confident a small amount of air aid encouragement on our part would forestall employment of private advisors and dissipation, through purchase of aircraft, of meagre Korean foreign exchange resources.