740.00119 Control (Korea)/4–2949
The Acting Secretary of the Army (Gray) to the Secretary of State
Dear Mr. Secretary: For your information I am inclosing herewith a summary1 of the status of completion of the actions taken by the Department of the Army to fulfill its responsibilities under the conclusions of NSC 8/2, “Position of the United States With Respect to Korea”.2
It is apparent that all of the Department of the Army obligations can be met by 30 June 1949 if the withdrawal operation from Korea can be downgraded from Secret to Restricted, or lower, to permit the necessary preliminary military actions to begin on 1 May 1949. If desired, the 30 June withdrawal completion date can remain classified Secret until Ambassador Muccio and President Rhee reach an agreement President Rhee’s reluctance to agree to the 30 June date, presumably, is based upon his hope for a promise of more military aid than the conclusions of NSC 8/2 would provide. Specifically, the Korean desire for additional and larger coast guard vessels (valued at approximately $30,000,000) is understandable, but such vessels definitely are not within the concept of NSC 8/2 and President Rhee’s adamant position should not be allowed to become an obstacle to the execution of the withdrawal as planned.
I recommend, therefore, that you concur in the Department of the Army recommendation to downgrade the withdrawal operation (including the necessary preliminary actions and the troop movement to Hawaii) to Unclassified; to keep pertinent sailing dates classified Restricted; and to keep Secret the knowledge that a specific withdrawal completion date has been selected.
Sincerely yours,