740.00119 FEAC/12–1349: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Political Adviser in Japan (Sebald)
647. Subj is Summary FEC mtg, Dec 8, 1949.
Maxwell Hamilton elected permanent Chairman of Comm.
Level of Economic Life in Japan: FEC 242/32, FEC 297/10.
Sov member asked for discussion on his amendments FEC 242/32.
No comments.
No discussion other items on agenda.
Under Other Business Sov member made statement re participation Jap trade unions in interntl trade union conferences transmitted to SCAP War 97330, Dec 9. US member stated it was purpose FEC and SCAP to further democratic reforms in Japan and specifically referred to statements Sir George Sansom1 in reviewing MacMahon [Page 918] Ball’s2 book on Japan and of SCAP on Fourth Anniversary of Japan’s Surrender.
Sov member stated that: “As it has been conveyed to the Govts of Burma and Pakistan, the Sov Govt is in agreement with the proposal that these countries be admitted to membership of FEC. At the same time the Sov del feels it necessary to note that in performing the admission of Burma and Pakistan to the membership of the FEC a violation of established procedure which provides for decision of such questions by the Govts of countries founders of the FEC, has been allowed.” US member pointed out that view his Govt that Burma and Pakistan had been admitted FEC accordance with prescribed procedure. UK, Austral, Canad and Neth members took position that no reg had been violated. Sov member hastily pointed out that he made statement for record and not for discussion. Sov member also made query re salvage sunken Jap ammunition transmitted SCAP in War 97321, Dec 8, 1949.