740.00119 FEAC/6–2449: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Political Adviser in Japan (Sebald)
286. Subj is Summary FEC Mtg, Jun 16, 1949.
Comm accepted recommendation of Steering Comite that Mr. Reuchlin, Neth Rep, be appointed its chairman.
Jap Participation in Internatl Relationships ( FEC 339)
NZ member stated his Govt not convinced that Jap has competence in advance of conclusion of peace treaty to undertake wide internatl responsibilities comprehended under US proposal and so long as technical state of war continues it does not see way clear to accept proposal in present form. NZ Govt cld not be able to accept participation of Jap Govt, prior to conclusion of peace treaty, in arrangements of predominantly polit character. Even in case of technical conferences they feel that somewhat anomalous position wld be created if Jap Govt were to enjoy full voting rights. Nor does NZ Govt consider it wld be appropriate to deleg to SCAP full discretion over Jap future internatl relationships. While they cannot agree at this stage to proposal which wld permit Jap to participate in internatl relations of polit character, NZ Govt, having considered views advanced by US Govt, wld be prepared to consider sympathetically in FEC proposals that Jap shld be permitted to adhere to technical agreements in which Jap participation was agreed to be desirable. Shld it not be possible to agree upon satisfactory definition of such technical agreements NZ Govt wld be willing to consider each case on its merits. NZ Govt notes [Page 785] that FEC has already provided for travel outside Jap of Jap “commercial reps” and wld wish to know more about additional benefits expected to accrue from establishment of “consular arrangements” between Jap and other countries before they cld agree to authorization of such arrangements.
USSR member stated that US proposal was unacceptable since it was in contradiction with FEC policy decision of Jun 19, 1947, Basic Post-Surrender Policy for Jap, in accordance with which the USSR member alleged the Jap Govt, may, subj to the discretion of SCAP, exercise functions which are connected only with question of their internal relations and that SCAP is thus not authorized to decide by himself question of Jap participation internatl relations.
Jap Membership in Internatl Convention of Telecommunications ( FEC 334)
No discussion.
Labor Policy in Jap ( FEC 318/20)
Chairman suggested that USSR proposal was in nature of substitution for Austral paper. USSR member insisted that his proposal was a separate and basic one and reiterated allegation that occupation auths and Jap Govt had violated FEC policy decisions. US member denied this charge and pointed out that actual situation in Jap has ceased to be labor problem largely but was Polit problem in which subversive minority consistently was trying to make peaceful and orderly occupation of Jap one of confusion and revolution.
Comm agreed to retain item on agenda pending consideration of final drafts of revised laws.
Jap Reparations and Level of Industry ( FEC 340)
US member placed in record Dept press release of Jun 10, 1949.1
Replacement of Lost Cultural Objects ( FEC 272/19)2
USSR member again introduced amendments set forth in SC 272/13 which had been defeated at lower levels. Austral member indicated he was prepared to vote for paper.
Economic Stabilization in Jap
No comments.
Sov Statement on Chairman’s Ruling re Removal of FEC 333/7 from Comm Agenda ( FEC 341)
Phil motion sustaining ruling of Chairman accepted by vote 8 favor, 1 opposed (USSR) and 2 abstentions (US and Chi). USSR member insisted that Sov vote against motion meant it was not carried [Page 786] and that therefore by result of vote Comm condemned action of Chairman because under Comm’s voting procedure there was no difference between questions of substance and questions of procedure. Chairman stated that point of distinction between procedure and substance for voting purposes might be left to Comm.