501.BC Indonesia/2–249: Telegram
The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State
136. Gocus 572. UNCFI today sent Netherlands delegation following letter:
“UNCFI notes with concern that as result failure Government of Netherlands to give appropriate instructions, it is not possible for Netherlands Delegation or other authorities in Indonesia to take any steps in compliance with resolution Security Council 28 January.
Resolution contemplates number of measures designed to make possible achievement of lasting settlement in Indonesia. As you know these include discontinuance military operations; restoration Republican Government to Jogjakarta; negotiations for settlement based on recreation Republic as party in position to negotiate freely and independently; participation in such negotiations of representatives of areas in Indonesia other than Republic; progressive transfer of areas outside Jogjakarta as defined by resolution to Republican administration and withdrawal Netherlands troops from such areas to extent [Page 201] consistent with maintenance order. Parties and Commission will be unable take these measures until Government of Netherlands has indicated its willingness to comply with provisions of resolution and as beginning makes possible meeting of Republican Cabinet.
As representative of SC in Indonesia, Commission would be failing in its duty if it did not press for action on which depends welfare, perhaps even lives of great numbers people. In urging compliance with resolution at earliest possible moment, it draws attention to mandate given it by resolution which requires that unless parties have reached agreement on interim federal government by 15 February Commission itself must report to SC and make recommendations for solution of difficulties.” Signed Lisle.