501.BC Indonesia/1–1849: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Belgium 1


58. Immed fol tel2 contains latest text draft res on Indonesia which is presently being discussed with members SC and with parties concerned at Lake Success (reurtel 86, Jan. 18). This draft already has support China, Norway and Cuba; British and Canadian delegates have approved subject concurrence their govts.

Purpose further discussions draft res is to meet if possible three major requirements: (1) Consonance with UN Charter and with views majority members SC; (2) Nearest approach to acceptability to parties, i.e. Neth Govt and Repub of Indonesia; (3) Establishment by means of SC resolution of conditions in Indonesia favorable to decrease in hostilities and long-range solution based on Renville Agreement.

It is position of US that, if above requirements are to be met, one party to dispute, namely Repub of Indonesia, cannot be considered as having been obliterated by Neth mil action. This does not mean that US considers it feasible in present circumstances to reconstitute Repub in sense status quo ante, but rather that, for brief period pending establishment by negotiation of Interim Govt which will attract not only Repub leaders but their followers as well, Repub leaders must be freed and placed in position freely to negotiate after establishing contact with their colleagues, their adherents, and non-Repub Indonesian leaders. You will note that draft res does not require evacuation Dutch troops to position Dec 18, but only empowers Commission to recommend withdrawal from areas other than Jocja when and if Comm [Page 179] deems such withdrawal consistent with requirements for establishment effective Interim Govt.

Dept believes Spaak can effectively influence Dutch in direction draft res, and requests you follow up your previous conversation along lines above indicated at earliest possible opportunity.

  1. Repeated as 47 to The Hague.
  2. See footnote 1, p. 171.