501.BC Indonesia/1–1949: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Acting Secretary of State

secret   us urgent

95. Gocus 554.

Made copy material parts US working paper for British Consul General at his request and went over all provisions with him. He felt personally Netherlands should accept this program but was aware their hostile position. Thought part providing immediate restoration govt authority of Republican leaders in Jogja probably most objectionable to Netherlands. Objected to form of paragraph 4 on technical ground SC has no authority transfer services MilObs to UNCom but can merely request as MilObs orders for some countries at least put them entirely at disposition their respective Consulates General. Withdrew objection made yesterday that idea UNCom inconsistent with idea of recognition Republic as party. Wondered at practicability of some provisions but stated that in light of present difficulties he had nothing better to offer. Characterized Netherlands military action this time as “worse than crime, a blunder.” Had personal[ly] hoped Assembly will induce agreement “prominent persons” from Republican areas but seemed to have no specific information.
Supomo and Darma called regarding telephonic invitation transmitted through Republic delegate to Sjahrir to call on GOC. Republic delegates reported:
Sjahrir asks for written invitation. This GOC has decided not to give. Sjahrir suggesed off record that living conditions in Prapat good except for lack news and feared formal record would undo effect of conditions revealed by Bangka report.
Sjahrir as well as Sukarno and Salim had been asked pledge when transfer to Bangka was contemplated not to “take any action” construed to mean engage in political activity. All three refused, no further suggestion made them. This contradictory Schuurman story (Gocus 5401).
Sjahrir talked with Drees last night. Atmosphere extremely cordial but no modification of Netherlands position suggested. No further talks with Drees or other Netherlands officials scheduled at this time. Sjahrir speaking informally with Federal Assembly leaders and seeing Anak Agung Gde Agung frequently.
Sjahrir promised Republic delegation he will make no commitment as to substance of any plan unless with approval Republic Govt by which he means Hatta Cabinet.
Hatta not coming Batavia but definitely refused invitation given by Netherlands officials who went Bangka yesterday. (Gocus 5532 paragraph 2).
Darma has rejected proposal made him by Federal Assembly that he go alone see Hatta as he fears this would make it appear he was acting as emissary Federal Assembly. This morning Anak Agung proposed Darma accompany Federal Assembly Committee established to contact “prominent persons” in order to introduce group to Hatta. It feared without such friendly introduction Hatta will refuse even to see or talk with Federalists. Darma after consultation with Republic delegation refused and stands on position he will go to Hatta only with other 2 as official Republic delegate.
USDel expressed willingness see Sjahrir privately any time. Republic delegate stated Sjahrir for moment fully occupied. Gathered impression Sjahrir prefers not to have such talk at this time. This may be in light of consistent practice in past to keep much to himself or may indicate preference not to be questioned at this time regarding current activities.
USDel asked whether Republic delegation now felt they might through Federal Assembly achieve amicable settlement from Netherlands independent of UN action. They replied negatively. Darma expressed view that only hope was combination of international pressure exerted through UN and active guerrilla warfare and in between skillful diplomacy on part Republic leaders. Only through continuance international pressure and UN organ they feel can agreement be reached or enforced.
Lest there be any misunderstanding. USDel reiterated GOC attitude that Republicans perfectly free to reach any arrangements [Page 178] they desire but that GOC itself could not participate in facilitating or authenticating any agreement resulting from force exerted upon a party not able thereafter to act as free agent. They reaffirmed previous position no acceptance by Republic of BIO decree even as basis further negotiations unless restoration both complete freedom and governmental authority to regular Republican leaders.
GOC forwarded Nethdel today for transmission Sukarno and Hatta “by most expeditious channel” message, from Palar cabled here by UNSec accordance procedure worked out SC meeting 17 January. Message calls on Republican Government to send officials Lake Success to give Palar directives and SC first-hand account of recent happenings. Signed Lisle.
  1. Telegram 68, January 12, p. 142.
  2. Telegram 93, January 18, p. 166.