862.011/2–749: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy), at Berlin


151. Personal for Riddleberger. No distribution outside of Department.

In Deptel 1546, Aug 28,1 Dept concurred in Mil Govrs position that Berlin reps shld not vote at Bonn Parliamentary Council although they might otherwise participate in deliberations. While we recognize paramount role played by Berlin population and democratically elected municipal administration and realize advantages of association democratic elements of Berlin with Western Ger Govt, nevertheless believe basic considerations obtaining last Aug still apply, making ill-advised full voting participation of Berlin delegates in West Ger provisional Govt.

Western Allied position at Berlin is based on fundamental rights embodied in Four-Power agreements. Although these rights are not respected by Soviets, nevertheless it wld seem unwise to permit Berlin reps formal association with West Ger Govt of such nature as to contradict conception on which Allied affirmation of rights at Berlin is based. Incorporation of Berlin, i.e. Western sectors, as Land in Western Ger state under present air-lift circumstances, does not make good sense to us, and wld greatly complicate any solution of Berlin problem. Its inclusion in Western Ger state wld involve so many special complications of administrative and governmental nature that mistake to burden new Western Ger Govt with whole weight of Berlin issue.

Circumstance that city has been effectively split by Soviet action would appear make particularly artificial incorporation Western sectors as Land in Western Ger Govt.

We believe that Berlin reps shld be associated with Western Ger Govt but cannot see how they can properly enjoy other than non-voting status. Although it wld have been preferable for Gers themselves propose solution along non-voting lines, we believe Mil Govt will have to insist on such solution. (Urtels 133 Jan 26; 175, Feb 3; 183, Feb 4.2)

  1. Foreign Relations, 1948, vol. ii, p. 416.
  2. Telegrams 133 and 175 not printed; 183, supra.