863.20/12–949: Telegram

The Minister in Austria (Erhardt) to the Secretary of State

top secret

1692. Legtel 1660 December 5.1 On basis discussion with General Keyes I believe we should refrain from taking initiative with Soviets re Austrian Army, and that it would be inadvisable for Austrians to address letter on treaty implementation as suggested Deptel 1532.2

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I believe further that in order to implement pertinent provisions of NSC 38/4 (WARX 96716)3, General Keyes should be authorized immediately following treaty signature to take such steps as he may find feasible, in absence Soviet consent, towards establishment effective armed forces are organized prior to West withdrawal, basic dif-

Basic reasons for recommendations above are as follows:

As Department is aware, agreement in principle on army organization between Socialists and Peoples Party last July was not easily reached. I concur therefore with General Keyes’ view that unless armed forces are organized prior to West withdrawal, basic differences between two parties might lead to lengthy hazardous delay.
In order ensure minimum requirements for effective force at time West withdrawal, preparatory work at least must be completed prior to ratification.
To stimulate Soviet interest in question prior to ratification might, however, increase Soviet suspicions or result in disagreements leading to delay or refusal of Soviet ratification. Under such pressure Austrian Government might well be inclined attempt placate Soviets in bilateral negotiations to detriment Austrian security.

We would of course review question in light circumstances prevailing following treaty signature, but in this connection we should keep in mind that Soviets may conceivably take initiative themselves by raising question in AC with contention four occupying powers must supervise army organization. In that eventuality, we might wish to take position in ensuing AC debate that treaty authorizes Austrian Government to form army and matter should not be under quadripartite supervision.

Pass to USUN New York.

Sent Department 1692, repeated Paris 101, London 258, Moscow 12.

  1. Not printed; it reported that General Keyes was in Salzburg and would not return until December 7. Erhardt would discuss the question of the Austrian Army with him at that time and report to Washington. (863.20/12–549)
  2. Ante, p. 1254.
  3. NSC 38/4 is printed on p. 1190: WARX 96716, not printed, transmitted paragraphs 6–11 of NSC 38/4 to Vienna.