740.00119 Council/5–1949: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State
2062. For Secretary and Murphy from Jessup. Preliminary conversations concluded this afternoon with agreement that following subjects, might be recommended by Western powers for inclusion on agenda:
- 1.
- German unity.
- a.
- Economic principles.
- b.
- Political principles.
- c.
- Allied controls.
- 2.
- Problems arising out of situation in Berlin including question of currency.
- 3.
- Peace treaty.
- 4.
- Austria.
It was recognized several other subjects, including security, may have to be included at Soviet request. It was felt, however, that agenda should be brief and in general terms.
At this morning’s meeting, some difference of emphasis emerged in discussion of tactics. British urged importance Western powers taking initiative in stating basic princples on which German unification should be based. French and ourselves suggested dangers of advancing, before Russian intentions had been explored, detailed conditions for German unification which might be taken either as (1) ultimatum to Soviets at outset on conference (2) indication, disquieting to West German[s], of willingness to compromise on Bonn program. It was eventually agreed to recommend to Foreign Ministers that Soviets, as initiators of CFM meeting, be asked first to state their proposals and that these proposals then be dissected in such a way as to expose obstacles to German unity implicit in Soviet position. Only thereafter would West powers set forth in detail conditions which they consider essential to German unity. However, no agreed paper on tactics was adopted since it was considered Foreign Ministers themselves would wish to explore thoroughly question of tactics during their meetings here this weekend.
Sent Department 2062, repeated London 315 (for Ambassador and Holmes Eyes Only), Berlin 183 (for Riddleberger Eyes Only).