740.00119 Control (Germany)/5–2249: Telegram
The Acting United States Political Adviser for Germany (Riddleberger) to the Acting Secretary of State
787. Remytel 785, repeated Paris 297 London 282 May 22.1 Following is text of OMGUS Telecon material re access to Berlin sent Paris for USDel this afternoon CIC.
- 1.
- Up to seven military trains per day to move via Hegustedt [Helmstedt?] Gerstungen, Probstzella, and Buchen, as required. Of these, up to four may be passenger trains, each of which may carry twelve cars, and up to three freight trains, carrying supplies for support of occupation forces, of 800 tons each.
- 2.
- Unlimited commercial traffic to move over shortest and most practical routes to Berlin, and from Berlin to Bizone.
- 3.
- Western Allies will agree that passengers on military trains—military, civilian, German, and other nationalities—shall consist only of persons whose travel is necessary in the administration and proper transaction of governmental business, and who are travelling under official orders. Based on such assurances, no Soviet inspection will be made of military trains.
- 4.
- Baggage of passengers on military trains, and military freight travelling under military warrant, not to be subject to inspection.
- 5.
- Commercial freight between Berlin and Bizone, and Bizone and Berlin, will be covered by official movement permits of Western Zone, and Western Sector authorities. Soviet border authorities will not inspect railway wagons whose contents are covered by such permits, but may require special seals to be affixed for passage through Soviet Zone.
- 6.
- Military passenger train schedules to be established in reasonable accordance with requirement of Western Allies and not to be changed without agreement Western Allies.
- 7.
- Special diesel trains of high-ranking officers to be scheduled in reasonable conformity with requests submitted 24 hours in advance.
- 8.
- A pool of 3,000 Western Zone wagons shall be provided from wagon debt now owed Bizone by Soviet Zone to fill the Berlin pipeline. Soviet Zone shall return West Zone wagons above this figure without delay.
- 9.
- Western Allies to undertake that wagons from their zones consigned to Berlin shall conform to RIV standards. Soviet Zone to agree that no wagon meeting RIV standards will be refused. Soviet Zone shall make running repairs as provided by RIV. Similar treatment will be accorded Soviet Zone wagon in Bizone.
- 10.
- Reichsbahn telephone and telegraph cables from Bizone to Berlin shall be maintained in good condition for operational purposes.
- 11.
- Soviet Zone motive power and crews to be available to move trains to and from Berlin without delay and on established schedules. In case of repeated failure to provide such facilities, Bizone locomotives and crews may be used. Equivalent right to be conceded Soviet Zone as regards their traffic into Bizone.
- 12.
- Wagons to be provided by Reichsbahn to West Sector shippers within eight hours of request.
- 13.
- Reichsbahn to provide full and prompt shuntage and distribution service in Berlin.
- 14.
- Normal unloading time (24 hours) to be established for incoming wagons in West Sectors, and normal demurrage to accrue thereafter.
- 15.
- If West Zone train or engine crews are used on trains transiting Soviet Zone, no special permits or documentation to be required.
- 1.
- Military traffic to move freely via Helmstedt and Munich autobahns, including Eisenach cutoff of latter.
- 2.
- Commercial traffic to move over shortest routes to Berlin, and from Berlin to Bizone. Border crossing points to be established by mutual agreement and not to be changed by unilateral action.
- 3.
- Soviets to accept official documentation of West Zone and West Sector authorities covering road freight shipments, but may check contents of trucks against such documents and require sealing of vans during transit through Soviet Zone.
- 4.
- No documentation other than normal registration certificate of West Zones or West Sectors to be required for road vehicles.
- 5.
- No special permits, other than West Zone or West Sector operators license to be required of truck crews.
- 6.
- No speed limits under 50 mph for passenger cars and 40 mph for trucks to be established on autobahns.
- 7.
- Western Allies to be permitted to establish and maintain motor vehicle service stations for occupation vehicles at 50 mile intervals on autobahns.
- 1.
- All waterways in Soviet Zone and Berlin to be freely available for traffic to and from Berlin. Similar freedom of movement for Soviet Zone craft in Bizone waterways.
- 2.
- Soviets to accept official documentation of West Zone and West Sector authorities covering water shipments without inspection of craft, but may require locking or sealing of holds during transit through Soviet Zone.
- 3.
- No documentation other than normal registration certificate of West Zones or West Sectors to be required for IWT craft.
- 4.
- No special permits, other than West Zone or West Sector certificates of professional capacity, to be required of barge masters and crews.
- 1.
- Full use of cable FK–41, without compensation to be confirmed to US Military Government. (Similar assurances for British cable.)
- 2.
- US maintenance crews to be permitted free movement necessary to inspect and maintain cable FK–41.
- 3.
- US may remove any monitoring devices on FK–41.
- 4.
- Soviets undertake that they will not jam radio telephone circuits between West Sectors and West Zone, and will not interfere with Air Force radar system.
- 1.
- Occupation personnel and their baggage will require only travel orders with Russian translation.
- 2.
- German personnel and their baggage will require only valid interzonal passes (except on military passenger trains, which see).
- 3.
- Other nationals will require such passports and visas as Soviets may require (except on military passenger trains, which see).
- 1.
- Goods consigned to Berlin will require only export permit from appropriate authorities of West Zones, either civil or military.
- 2.
- Goods from Berlin to West Zones will require only export permit from Magistrat of West Sectors, or military warrants.
- 1.
- All traffic routes to be open every day, 24 hours per day.
- 2.
- Soviets shall keep rail routes and autobahns in good repair without closing same, unless reasonably direct and adequate substitute routes are provided.
- 3.
- Normally, goods, vehicles, IWT craft, and personnel will be checked only at points of ingress and egress of Soviet Zone.
- 4.
- Soviet will establish sufficient inspection facilities at points of ingress and egress so that traffic can move without delay.
- 5.
- Personnel and baggage of military units in formation will not be subject to inspection of documents, or to any delays beyond identification by officer in charge. [”]
Sent Department 787. Repeated London 284.
- Not printed; it reported that OMGUS would send its views on access to Berlin, approved by Hays, Wilkinson; and Riddleberger, to the United States delegation at the Council of Foreign Ministers and that Riddleberger would repeat the text to Washington. (740.00119 Control (Germany)/5–2249)↩