862.00/10–449: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States High Commissioner for Germany (McCloy), at Frankfurt


1966.1 Personal for McCloy. From your reports and others today it is apparent we face probability that so-called National German Govt will be set up by German Peoples Council Fri, with Berlin as Capital.2 We note from Berlin’s 1409 Oct 43 that Berlin City Assembly will probably react by demanding annexation to Fed Republic. We also note with general approval preliminary views which Riddleberger has prepared for your consideration as reported in Item 13 of HICOG’s Telecon of Oct 5 with GAI.4

Dept’s view is that if Soviets take action indicated, reaction of Western Powers as regards Berlin’s status should be immediate and unmistakable. We believe such Soviet action would remove one of principal arguments which has hitherto influenced some quarters, particularly French, in opposing inclusion of Berlin in Fed Republic, namely, fear of Soviet reaction. In Dept’s opinion, new situation which will exist if Eastern govt formed with Berlin as “capital” will make it politically imperative to remove Berlin from anomalous position it now occupies. Continued insistence on keeping Berlin out of Fed [Page 400] Republic would then create bitter disillusionment in Berlin, would give both Soviets and Germans impression that West is weak and irresolute and would arouse fears as to our future intentions with regard to Berlin.

Foregoing represents Dept’s position and we have so informed Br and Fr Embassies here. However we have not yet been able obtain clearance these views in Washington. Dept. therefore suggests you discuss problem with High Comm at Oct 6 meeting. Please report your colleagues’ views and your own recommendations as to desirability of having High Comm lift Mil Govt’s suspension of Art 23 of Bonn Const as it applies to Berlin at earliest possible date subsequent to Sov action if latter taken in Berlin.

Paris and London please ascertain views of FonOff.

  1. Repeated to New York as 525 for the personal attention of the Secretary of State, to Paris as 3795, to London as 3631, and to Moscow as 742.
  2. For documentation relating to the establishment of the “German Democratic Republic,” see pp. 505 ff.
  3. Not printed.
  4. No record of this telecon has been found in the Department of State files.