740.00119 Control (Germany)/8–949: Telegram

The Acting United States Political Adviser for Germany (Gantenbein) to the Secretary of State


1248. At their 27th meeting on August 9 commandants agreed that emergency financial assistance to political parties (SPD, CDU, FDP), which has been furnished during large part of blockade to assist parties in adjustment to currency reform, would (1) be cut to one-half for August and (2) not be furnished subsequent to August unless unforeseen emergency arises. Commandants agreed that as in past this info would be given verbally and confidentially to party leaders and not published. Commandants also agreed that monthly financial assistance to UGO (independent trade union organization) would cease with the loan advanced in July. Same qualification re unforeseen emergencies will apply to UGO.

Under other business, British commandant stressed urgency of handling Berlin budget question promptly. He stressed that although budget by no means perfect, for political reasons it should be approved provisionally without delay. French and US commandants agreed that political factors were most important in consideration this question. In informal discussion of Berlin financial difficulties, Gen. Bourne suggested possibility continuing monthly sum of 45 million DM from counterpart funds until German federal representative in position to deal with question. Commandants agreed to consider budget at their next meeting, Tuesday, August 16.

In restricted session following regular meeting, Western commandants discussed manner in which Soviet proposals at last quadripartite commandants meeting (ourtel 1186 July 281) should be handled. They agreed that reply should be that these suggestions are all within German competence under Berlin occupation statute and, therefore, no orders can be issued to magistrat. They will state, however, that they have no objection to German agencies getting together on these problems, if they so desire. In considering tactics at next quadripartite meeting, tentatively scheduled for Thursday August 18, they decided that somewhat more important problems should be raised from their side. Possible suggestions will be discussed between them prior to that meeting.

Howley informed his colleagues that he would turn over his duties to Major General Taylor on September 1 and would leave Berlin September [Page 372] 7. He added that General Taylor was expected to come up to Berlin approximately a week before he takes over his new duties.

Repeated London 413 pouched Moscow and Paris.

  1. Ante, p. 367.