740.00119 Control (Germany)/4–2649: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
524. For Jessup’s Eyes Only from Ross. No distribution except on Jessup’s instructions.
Following is free translation of unsigned communication dated April 25 received from French delegation this noon. Copy of original text being sent by pouch tonight.
“The following details refer to the last point dealt with on April 21 [20?].1
The Germans have been aware of measures concerning the resumption of conversations among the Four on the subject of Berlin.2 They could not in any case be unaware that such a possibility exists. It would be desirable, therefore, at the time when the Western Powers should be giving their approval to a basic law for Germany that they indicate what would happen to this law in case an agreement among the Four in fact occurs.
[Page 263]It is a matter then of stating to the Bonn constituents that since our policy does not hold to the maintenance of a separation of Germany in two parts but rather reestablishment of the federal unity of Germany, we will not oppose, should this be necessary, modifications of the basic law which, without contravening the essential principles of the London Accord, would appear to be of a nature to facilitate this unity.
In case the terms of an accord among the Four should necessitate modification of the basic law, the latter would nevertheless remain provisionally in effect until this reform should transpire and transfers of authority already effectuated to the benefit of the Germans would not be jeopardized.
It is for the Germans themselves, therefore, to proceed with the preparation of a new text, their role in this regard being not inferior to that which they have played in the preparation of the basic law.”