Editorial Note

At its 325th Meeting, November 14, the First Committee undertook consideration of the Soviet draft resolution, A/996, “Condemnation of the preparations for a new war, and conclusion of a five-power pact for the strengthening of peace;” for text, see Delga 16, September 23, page 88. Soviet representative Vyshinsky addressed the Committee in support of this proposal. Ambassador Austin then delivered an address during which he introduced the United States–United Kingdom draft resolution, “Essentials for Peace.” For text of that resolution, see page 143. For the record of the 325th Meeting, see United Nations, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fourth Session, First Committee, page 262. (Hereafter cited as GA(IV), First Committee.) For the full text of Austin’s address, see Department of State Bulletin, November 28, 1949, page 801.

The First Committee considered the two resolutions during its 325th–337th Meetings, November 14–25. At the 337th Meeting, the First Committee, after rejecting the Soviet proposal, approved the United States–United Kingdom “Essentials for Peace” resolution; for the record of that meeting, see GA(IV), First Committee, page 333.