501.BB/10–1049: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)


Gadel 47. Dept believes you shld immed discuss with Arce the basic philosophy and technique which we are attempting to follow in dealing with Soviet res (re Delga 77,1 782).

In this connection you can point out why it is that this res wld not be consistent with our approach and wld create hazard of falling directly into Soviet propaganda trap.

[Page 109]

You shld point out fol:

Each of matters coming within jurisdiction of proposed commission is being or could be dealt with positively in an existing forum. A new piece of machinery would not necessarily produce progress in those forums, but it wld provide new outlet for Soviet propaganda.
In our view Soviet does not want substantive progress in these fields at this time. When they do want progress it will not be necessary to have another commission to help it along; we will be alert to take advantage of any changed attitude and will examine seriously any proposals they may make.
We are afraid that if the new machinery were established it would create a false impression in world public opinion that progress was in sight whereas in fact that would not be true.
Pacts with the Soviets at present time would operate on a double standard; our philosophy is that what is needed is bona fide adherence to existing pacts, not new ones.

  1. See footnote 2, p. 105.
  2. Not printed.