711.34/9–2849: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Paraguay
107. Continuing normal diplomatic relations believed best interests US. You are instructed deliver fol note FonMin Sept 29 unless you have impelling reasons to contrary:
“I have the honor to refer to your note of September 12 informing my government that Mr. Federico Chaves [Chàvez] had been elected Provisional President of Paraguay in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the national constitution.
My government has instructed me to assure Your Excellency of its intention to continue normal relations with the government of Your Excellency and to reiterate its desire to extend and strengthen the bonds of friendship between our nations.”
You may inform Brit Min to allow concurrent action if appropriate. Cable Dept action taken.1
- The text of the note, which was delivered on September 29, was released by the Department of State on the same date in a statement issued on the continuance of relations with Paraguay, which is printed in Department of State Bulletin, October 10, 1949, p. 558. The statement concluded by saying that the decision to continue relations was made in accordance with the policy on recognition discussed in Secretary Acheson’s address before the Pan American Society on September 19, the text of which is contained ibid., September 26, 1949, p. 462.↩