Memorandum by the Director of the Office of American Republic Affairs (Daniels) to the Secretary of State
As of eleven o’clock this morning the Paraguayan situation was as follows:
President González’s resignation was forced by civilian members of his own Cabinet.2 The Minister of the Interior,3 following constitutional procedures, convoked the National Assembly composed of members of the Cabinet, the Council of State and the Congress which elected Defense Minister General Raimundo Rolón Provisional President. The letter of convocation of the National Assembly stated that elections will be called within two months. The Cabinet is still unannounced. Ex-President Gonzalez has asylum in the Brazilian Embassy.
González was nominated for the Presidency by the Colorado Party in February 1948 in a convention which was stolen from the unquestioned majority in the most rank manner. There was no opposition candidate in the elections. Part of his supporters forced President Morínigo out in June 1948 and González assumed the Presidency as scheduled on August 15, 1948.4 One group of González’s original supporters failed in a revolutionary attempt in October 1948. The present successful group is aided by the majority of the Colorado Party from whom the nominating convention was stolen in February 1948. The military apparently is playing a passive but acquiescent role.
[Page 747]There is no evidence of any foreign influence although the British had a report that the Argentines were backing a revolution to take place on this date. Basically it is a personal struggle for power.5
- The resignation of President Juan Natalicio González was submitted on January 30, 1949.↩
- Liberato Rodríguez.↩
- For pertinent documentation, see the section on Paraguay in the compilation on continuance by the United States of diplomatic relations with new governments on the basis of the Bogotá Resolution and consultation with other American Republics in Foreign Relations, 1948, vol. ix, pp. 108 ff.↩
- Department telegram 5, January 31, to Asunción, not printed, informed the Embassy that pending further instructions it should have no formal relations with the new government (834.01/1–3149).↩