814.504/8–1049: Telegram

The Ambassador in Guatemala (Patterson) to the Secretary of State


382. Had talk Arévalo today re IRCA situation (Embtel 378, August 91) presenting case as outlined Department’s instructions 114, July 27. I stressed urgency preventing consummation legal denial justice, urged him use personal influence toward amicable, just settlement, perhaps through further direct IRCASAMF talks with latter taking hint from Government to adopt reasonable attitude. Arévalo promised discuss matter Chief Justice Herbruger,2 then do best he can without dictating to judiciary. My impression is his power with labor and political parties now much more limited, but may use such influence remaining in effort to effect solution.3

Arévalo told me confidentially that resignation Muñoz Meany4 will be accepted and Ambassador Gonzalez Arévalo named Foreign Minister.5 This he said will be step toward improvement overall relations with US. Would like to dismiss Bauer Paiz but prevented by latter’s strong political connections. Even removal Muñoz Meany will create trouble for him since Gonzalez Arévalo not member any party.

Also had talk with Arbenz last evening, who, without promising miracles, said he would talk to SAMF leaders “who trust me because they think I am a Communist”. Arbenz assured me his utmost desire work for gradual change all adverse situations affecting US interests—cited forthcoming removal Muñoz Meany as first step.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Arturo Herbruger, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Guatemala.
  3. In telegram 436, September 19, from Guatemala, Ambassador Patterson reported a solution to the IRCA problem. The pertinent portion of that telegram read as follows:

    “Crisis IRCASAMF conflict now believed passed with decision labor appeal court few days ago drastically modifying arbitral award. … New award substantially meets company’s terms and accepted by union despite bitter opposition train crewmen who still may cause trouble. Bradshaw regards decision best possible existing conditions and has expressed thanks Arevalo and Col. Arbenz their effective intervention.” (814.50/9–1949)

  4. Enrique Muñoz Meany, Foreign Minister of Guatemala.
  5. Ismael Gonzalez Arévalo, Guatemalan Ambassador in the United States.