824.00/11–2949: Airgram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Bolivia


A–287. In view of the statement in Weeka 53, of December 9, 19491 that the Foreign Minister repeated his assurances that the perpetrators [Page 546] of the crimes at Catavi last May would be tried and punished and, specifically, that Gaspar would be rearrested, the Department feels it is unnecessary at this time to provide you with the text of a strong representation to be delivered formally to the Bolivian Government as was at first contemplated following receipt of your telegram no. 637, of November 29.2 However, you should seize every occasion to indicate the continued interest of this Government in the judicial proceedings against the criminals responsible for the murders. In this connection, you may address formal communications to the Bolivian Government if you feel it is desirable to do so.

The third alternative suggested in your telegram no. 637, i.e. to inspire reports on the status of the proceedings in the Bolivian press, appears to have merit and might well marshal Bolivian public opinion in favor of prompt punishment of the criminals, resulting in pressure on the Government to take definite action. Provided the Embassy can inspire such reports without embarrassment, you are authorized to do so.

The failure of the Bolivian Government to date to punish those guilty of the crimes in question has been discussed with the Bolivian Ambassador here on several occasions. His personal reaction is one of discouragement at the apparent inability of his Government to carry out administrative and judicial proceedings in an efficient manner. He has stated he will urge that steps be taken to carry out the repeated promises of his Government to apprehend, try and punish the criminals.

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  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.