824.248/9–849: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Bolivia
238. Dept keenly interested assisting Bol Govt present difficulties and has left no stone unturned within legal limitations help local reps [Page 537] procure needed aircraft and armament. Thru efforts Depts Army and Air Force clearance obtained sale by commercial source certain items in stock desired by Bol.
Several fighters located by Emb and Pol but none yet purchased. Amb states never intended buy more than three. This AM Dept tactfully suggested perhaps advisable purchase transports instead fighters in view grounding seven of ten planes hands rebels. Suggestion well recd but no definite decision made. Export licenses for purchases, including aircraft, to be expedited by Dept as required. One C–47 transport purchased this week leaving Sept 12 with cargo police equipment, grenades, etc.
Moral support given Bol Amb throughout. Press statement issued. (Deptel 234, Sept 81) Little more Dept can do as Emb knows.
No objection making discreet use above info in discussions officials or prominent individuals such as Ballivian. You shld emphasize this Govt sympathetic present democratically-elected Govt Bol but Dept obviously cannot take action prohibited existing US legislation.
Telegram 234 not printed. The text of the statement, issued on September 8, as printed in Department of State Bulletin, September 26, 1949, p. 472, is as follows:
“The United States Government has been and is deeply concerned about the events which have been taking place in the friendly American Republic of Bolivia. The freedom-loving citizens of the United States whose representative government is based on periodic free elections cannot fail to be disturbed when a minority political group in any country attempts by force of arms to overthrow a government which has gained its right to authority through genuine elective processes.”