
The Counselor of the British Embassy (Allen) to the Deputy Director of the Office of European Affairs (Thompson)



My Dear Mr. Thompson: You will remember the Aide-Mémoire on the work of the Trusteeship Council which you handed to me on the 17th February. This was at once sent on to London and to our Delegation in New York.

2. We have now been asked by the Foreign Office to thank you for all the thought you have given to the problems which we raised and for the most helpful comments contained in your Aide-Mémoire. It has been studied with much interest by the Foreign Office and the Colonial Office in London. They have also had under very careful consideration the most useful memorandum dated the 14th February1 which was prepared by Mr. Gerig in New York and given to Sir Alan Burns, and sent some preliminary comments upon it to Sir Alan Burns a week or two ago.

3. We have been asked to assure you that the importance of positive and constructive policies, which the British Government believe that they are in fact pursuing, and of an appropriate presentation of them, is fully realised in London. We are sure that for their part the United States authorities are equally understanding of our difficulties as an administering power, especially in regard to the effect of propaganda debates in the Trusteeship Council on the trust territories themselves.’

4. The Foreign Office have also asked us to tell you how much they have appreciated the very helpful cooperation of the United States Delegation during the recent session of the Trusteeship Council. They hope and believe that it will be possible to develop this cooperation in the future and all those concerned on the British side have been informed [Page 348] that the British Government attach the greatest importance to so doing.

Yours very sincerely,

Denis Allen