501.BE/1–1849: Telegram

The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Holmes) to the Secretary of State


220. Re Trusteeship Council session January 24,2 at Colonial Office suggestion Embassy officer attended meeting January 17 with Galsworthy3 (head international relations department Colonial Office) and Foreign Office representative to discuss TC agenda informally. Colonial Office anxious maintain both in US and here closest possible contact and understanding with US Government on TC matters. Galsworthy went over provisional agenda point by point from UK standpoint with Embassy representative, but as he stated Sabben-Clare4 and Fletcher-Cooke5 are fully briefed and are or will be in touch with Department on this, we are not reporting discussion fully.

Galsworthy stressed UK most anxious avoid Russian representation on visiting mission to West Africa. Hopes US willing be represented and said French also prepared support US candidacy. He suggested Belgium, Mexico, and Iraq be others on mission, latter two because going off TC. UK not disposed favor Australia and New Zealand.

Galsworthy suggested periodic meetings here with Embassy representative during TC session to discussion proceedings, Sir Alan Burns,6 daily reports, and Creech Jones,7 views. Burns joined group later and expressed his approval this plan on eve of departure.

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Galsworthy expressed hope Department may be willing make available its own appraisals and views to Colonial Office through Embassy London from time to time during TC session. He said might be “interesting” compare notes this way. We endorse Colonial Office suggestion if agreeable Department.

  1. The fourth session of the Trusteeship Council met at Lake Success, New York, January 24–March 25, 1949. Briefing books and related documents which were prepared in the Department of State for the U.S. representatives are found in the master files of the Reference and Documents Section of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs (hereafter cited as the IO Files). The U.S. Representative on the Trusteeship Council was Ambassador Francis B. Sayre, and the Deputy Representative was O. Benjamin Gerig.
  2. A. N. Galsworthy, Assistant Secretary, British Colonial Office.
  3. E. E. Saben-Clare, Attaché, British Embassy in Washington.
  4. J. Fletcher-Cooke, Assistant Secretary, British Colonial Office.
  5. Sir Alan C. Burns, United Kingdom Representative on the Trusteeship Council.
  6. Arthur Creech Jones, British Secretary of State for the Colonies.