Editorial Note

On December 6 the First Committee acted on the various draft resolutions regarding China and amendments thereto. The Philippine amendment to the Cuba, Ecuador, Peru resolution was rejected in favor of two amendments submitted by Uruguay and Lebanon (UN Doc. A/C.1/555 and UN Doc. A/C.1/556, respectively). These made the additional provision that the Interim Committee should be authorized to bring the question to the attention of the Secretary-General in order to report to the Security Council (the Uruguayan amendment) and provided that the Interim Committee’s examination should be made in light of the five-power draft resolution (the Lebanese amendment). The Cuba, Ecuador, Peru resolution, as so amended, was adopted, the United States voting against. The Committee then adopted the joint five-power resolution. For summary record of the First Committee’s consideration of the China question, November 25–December 6, 1949, see GA (IV), First Committee, pages 339 ff.

The recommendation of the First Committee to the General Assembly for approval of the two resolutions was incorporated into a Committee Report, UN Doc. A/1215, December 6, 1949, in which the two resolutions were labeled respectively as “Resolution I” (the five-power resolution) and “Resolution II” (the Cuba, Ecuador, and Peru resolution). [Page 233] (For text of the Report, see United Nations, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fourth Session, Plenary Meetings, Annex, pages 234 ff.) The General Assembly in plenary session on December 8, 1949, adopted the two resolutions, with one amendment to Resolution II which after the words “Decides to refer that item” added the words, “and any charges of violations of the principles contained in that resolution. …” The United States cast a favorable vote for Resolution II after the inclusion of this amendment. For General Assembly consideration of the China resolutions on December 8, see GA (IV), Plenary, pages 565 ff. For texts of the two resolutions as adopted, Resolution 291 (IV) and Resolution 292 (IV), see United Nations, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fourth Session, Resolutions, pages 13 and 14, respectively.