501.BB/12–549: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
Delga 275. Following is revised version of Cuba-Ecuador-Peru resolution on Chinese item which representatives of Mexico, Philippines, [Page 229] Pakistan and US agreed ad referendum they could probably support, provided Tsiang would agree not to press for vote on his resolution:1
“Considering that item 68 regarding ‘threats to the political independence and territorial integrity of China and to the peace of the Far East, resulting from Soviet violations of the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance of 14 August 1945, and from Soviet violations of the Charter of the UN’ is of special importance, and involves the fundamental principles of the Charter, and
“Considering further the resolution on ‘promotion of the stability of international relations in the Far East’,
“The GA,
“Authorizes the IC of the GA, if it decides that such action would promote the stability of international relations in the Far East, to examine any violation of the principles contained in that resolution.”
- This draft became known as “the Philippines amendment” and became UN Doc. A/C.1/554; see GA (IV), First Committee, Annex, p. 37.↩