501.A Summaries/11–2649: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State



Committee 1 (338th Meeting)1


Debate on the Chinese item opened in Committee 1 on the afternoon of Nov. 25, with the USSR, Ukraine, Poland, Byelorussia, and Czechoslovakia declaring they would not take part in the debate. The item, they held, was “slander” introduced by a clique which no longer represented China; they would not take account of any decisions taken. Yugoslavia also indicated it did not recognize the present Chinese delegation as representing China, and suggested a prior decision on this question, but Chairman Pearson (Canada) ruled the credentials of the Delegation were not in question.

Tsiang (China) read a 60-page statement, concluding with the hope 1) for a GA moral judgment on the Soviet Union for obstructing his Government’s efforts to reestablish authority in Manchuria and for giving military-economic aid to the Communists; 2) for recognition by the GA “that the cause of China’s political independence and territorial integrity is a cause common to all the peoples of the world”; 3) for a GA recommendation “to all member states to desist and refrain from giving further military and economic aid to the Chinese Communists”; and 4) that no GA member accord recognition to the Communist [Page 220] regime (this last point was apparently an interpolation; it did not appear in the text).

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  1. For complete record, see United Nations, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fourth Session, First Committee, pp. 339 ff. (Hereafter cited as GA (IV), First Committee.)