501.A Summaries/11–2449: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
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Chinese Case
Spokesmen for Venezuela, Peru, Panama, Ecuador, and Colombia disclosed to USGADel that they liked the US-suggested approach to the Chinese case. Belaunde (Peru) and Londoño y Londoño (Colombia) indicated that they would support the US-suggested resolution. Stolk (Venezuela) said he would have to wait and see what the Chinese had to say before committing himself.
Kyrou (Greece) expressed the opinion that a resolution along US-suggested lines was the only kind which had much possibility of being approved.
El-Khouri (Syria) confided to USGADel that his instructions were not to criticize either the US or the USSR in word or vote. He said he did not get instructions on particular issues and voted often with the US or abstained. This placed him in a worse position than the Israeli delegation, which had at least put the burden of responsibility on its Foreign Office, while he had to decide in a vacuum.
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