501.A Summaries/11–1749: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
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Chinese Question
In the course of a general conversation, Kyrou (Greece) indicated that GA President Romulo (Philippines) had mentioned the possibility at a meeting of chairmen of committees of a postponement of the Chinese case until the next GA. Kyrou seemed to favor the idea of postponement, remarking he could see nothing that the current GA might do about China which would serve any useful purpose.
Cordier (Secretariat) later told USGADel the Chinese item had come up “spontaneously” at the meeting of the committee chairmen and the general feeling was that the question should be postponed until next year. Cordier thought the general sentiment in the GA was opposed to considering the Chinese item at the current session, yet he knew of no one who would take the initiative in moving its deferment. Romulo has already expressed himself, Cordier added, as being unhappy about discussing the Chinese case at this assembly.
Shown the suggested US draft resolution on China, Hood (Australia) stated he was tentatively authorized to say that Australia [Page 213] would be willing to co-sponsor such a resolution with the US. He promised to study the text and comment on it later.
Shanahan (New Zealand) was confident that his delegation would go along with the tentative US draft although he had doubts about operative para 1 and 3–b, and felt 3–c should not be included.
The opinion that the tentative US proposal was a good idea and that he would be able to support it was expressed by Chauvel (France).
Stating that Tsiang (China) had asked him to canvass LA opinion on the Chinese item, including the proposed Chinese resolution, Pao (China) said he had secured the support of 14 LA states and added he was hopeful of GA passage of Tsiang’s resolution.
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