501.BB Korea/3–1248: Telegram
The Acting Political Adviser in Korea (Langdon) to the Secretary of State
150. Cite Zpol 308. Debate on Jackson’s proposal (PolAd’s 146, March 12) occupied meeting 11th and continued in forenoon today. [Page 1155] In course of latter, Paul-Boncour moved to accept motion to effect that elections shall be observed as informally announced in what it was hoped would be free atmosphere. Debate followed ending in motion (by Syria) to vote on amended version of Boncour’s to effect that election shall be observed us announced provided there is free atmosphere. Motion carried and vote taken resulting in China, Philippines, Salvador and India for, Canada and Australia against, and France and Syria abstaining. France abstained owing to dilution of its motion with proviso making election contingent on free atmosphere, which could always be used as pretext to obstruct UNTCOK action at last moment. After count of vote Patterson walked out. Jackson is said to have asked his Government for further instructions.
Text of motion as passed not yet released. Will radio as soon as available.1
- Telegram 156, March 13, from Seoul, not printed.↩